Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Neti Pot

So once again I was diagnosed with the terrible chronic happenings of sinus infection. Those of you that know me I don't just get sinus infection, I get it's evil red-headed step b***h mother. So recently I got one form of it with this awful tasting and smelling mucous that was running down my throat and making me sick, it would also run from my nose. Triple B boy was back and in full form. Tuesday night I couldn't stand it any longer! I decided to go to the urgent care facility in the hospital, which is really the emergency room. I did this so I could get some instant medication and not have to wait until the next day. The waiting room definetly couldn't have been worse. I picked the worst time to go. There were three people waiting to be seen puking into bags and trashcans, there was a man with his finger cut off with blood pouring out and a concussed boy. They and myself were all waiting because the doctors were with a 3 month baby that passed in a car accident and the father who got helicoptered to DSM. So I look at myself and think, if one person in this room asks me what is wrong with me, do I make something up to sound more legit in the time of need or go with "my nose hurts, which is making my stomach hurt". Not exactly real impressive emergency room talk, especially in comparison to the other people. The doctor finally saw me (2 long hours later) and I was given some heavy antibiotics and instructions to buy a Neti Pot. What in God's name is a Neti Pot you ask?? Let me explain it to you...

A Neti Pot is a nasal irragation system. I looks like a little blue genie lamp that I put 8 oz of warm to hot water in and a packet of powder mix that is Sodium Chloride and Sodium Bicarbonate. I mix the wonder solution together and bend over the sink, tilt my head to one side, and pour the spout into one nostril, the solution goes up my nose, into my sinus cavities and out the other nostril, taking with it lots of little green buddies. I repeat for the other nostril. After I've gotten my "Neti" on for about 4 times since I bought it, I am feeling much better, I still get some drainage, but about 75% less than two days ago. It's a beautiful tool really.
This is the Neti Pot.


  1. Awww...Triple B Boy....glad you're feeling better, and I'm glad the Neti Pot worked. I've heard great things about those but never tried. How about you go talk to an ENT doc about having sinus surgery????

  2. OMG! So sad about the baby!!!!!!
